Twinkle, Twinkle…

~ by Tammy on December 10, 2011.

10 Responses to “Twinkle, Twinkle…”

  1. Taken to great effect for the season.

  2. Very nice! How did you do this?

  3. Great sparkle–it just feels Christmas-sy.

  4. Lovely processing and framing.

  5. Hi Tammy,
    Love all these Ornaments. So Christmasay. Have a great day!


  6. Fabulous!

  7. Love the sparkling star effect.

  8. Great sparkle……which by the way was my sister-in-law’s name….Sparkle!
    Gone but not forgotten.

  9. Great as a Christmas card.

  10. I love your artistic rendering of the ornament. Beautiful idea!

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